The power of “Story-Selling” | Idea #1

💡 Content idea from Millennials of Manila

The power of “Story-Selling” | Idea #1
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💡MKTG Idea #1: The power of "Story-Selling"

notion image
Brand: Millennials of Manila Followers: 35K followers Content-Type: Short documentary content in written or video form featuring their target audience, the Millennials of Manila. Why It Works: People love to consume content that inspires and motivates them. Having an inside look at how other people overcame obstacles to pursue their passion/dream is an instant click on the share button. Examples: 📝Written: Beauty in Color ft. Ayn Bernos 🎥Video: The Making of a Ballerina
ONeil Cerdena

Written by

ONeil Cerdena

Just some noob.